Do you CARE?

Do you CARE?

Do you CARE?

Care. The first value I look for in just about anyone is care. Do they care? In time if becomes obvious in identifying the quality of care. Many of the first signs of care go back to "showing up". How do you show up? On time, focused, positive? Care means taking pride in your own personal performance. I care about winning and thus I know that I have to show up ready to win. Which implies, my mind is focused (not distracted), my energy is high, I'm ready to uphold standards, and play on a team. Of course, there are different levels of care. The basic levels are seen in showing up but care also correlates to work ethic and preparation. One can show up but have no stamina because they are either distracted or inconsistent in their preparation outside the workplace, or team venue. Care is a value that has to exist in all areas of life to be observable in any area of life. Another sign of care is that an individual can focus on the details of a task or responsibilities. Usually detail oriented individuals display high levels of care, and vice versa. Caring means putting attention and energy into the details that make the difference between success and failure. Additionally, one of the best qualities of caring people, is that they are listeners. They listen and seldom need to be told or explained things twice. When you care you are focused, and your time management is centered around efficient and effective use of time and energy. At Juicekeys, care is our single most important value, it's the value we use to drive successful teams, stores, and operations. Care is one of those qualities that individuals need to, first look inward and ask the honest question of "do I care?" before embarking in a profession, joining a team, or for that matter spending valuable time around other individuals. If there is no care, there is no reason to allocate your precious time within an endeavor. However, the inverse also holds true, if you have a high level of care towards a pursuit, then those challenges within should be embraced with confidence and joy!

Chris and Kelly Young, Juicekeys Owner's Signature