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16. In the Beginning, part 1

Last April, I approached my sister with a business idea. We are both health enthusiast, my sister, Kelly, especially. Here is how the idea began: A few years ago Kelly traveled down to West Palm Beach, Florida to attend a Health Educator Program at the world renowned, Hippocrates Health Institute. Kelly returned home with an entirely new approach and passion towards health. "Let food be thy medicine" was her motto....

17. In the Beginning, part 2

Frozen is how 2007 began. I was part of Frozen Fox Company at The Basic School (TBS). Rain, shine, snow, ice, it really didn't matter, the worse the conditions, the more realistic the training. January thru March were filled with week-long training operations, and thus: full exposure to the Meal Ready to Eat (MRE). Chemical preservatives such as Erythorbic Acid, Hydrated Monoglycerides, and Tricalcium Phosphate can all be found in...

18. In the Beginning, part 3

"Hi guys, my name is Lieutenant Young and I will be your platoon commander." Those were the hallowed words I stuttered, as Staff Sergeant Lumm introduced me to our platoon during my first day at work. A perpetual cycle of chaos, exhaustion, and bliss, is the most accurate depiction of what my life would become as a platoon commander. I would spend the next three years with two different platoons,...

19. In the Beginning, part 4

My job while stationed in Twentynine Palms, CA (a.k.a the stumps), consisted of, among other things, spending hours upon hours in the desert sun. If you weren't sunburn, exhausted, irritable, and damn proud by day's end, it probably meant you weren't working hard enough! It was during this time, likely a result of desert delusions, that I decided business school would be appropriate in my life.  I managed to fool...

20. Introducing the Protein Shake

With the launch of our new menu, or "Juicekeys 2.0" as I like to call it, we wanted to spot-light a new menu item every week. To describe why we brought it in to the fold, and to show also why we believe it will be a great fit within our community. So today, I will discuss the new and improved, Protein Shake. This upgraded version of our original protein smoothie...